Sunday, February 19, 2006

my mechanic

my mechanic is ralph wilson.
his garage is in beautiful downtown modesto california

ralph knows everything there is to know about american cars.
he used to work for ford but had to quit because they were hiring to many foreigners.

ralph always says:"i won't work on foreign crap"
so he fixes only american cars. good for him

this is ralph working on an american car

this is ralph's garage in beautiful downtonw modesto california

no foreign crap there

he even has a picture of the great american, steve macqueen.

he even has another picture of john wayne, signed!
i will try to get is scanned to post it soon.


Anonymous said...

So the point you were trying to get across....? So basically Ralph is a small minded racist twat??

I thought your site was about cars not polishing your own fucked up ego. You start off every post with beautiful modesto california... what a great style of writing.

The all American education system really paid off!!! Can you do your A-Zs?

Anonymous said...

Did you know that sentences start with CAPITOL LETTERS and end with FULL STOPS?

Anonymous said...

i start every post with beautiful modesto california because that's where i live, asshole!

you should be so lucky, you jealous bastard

Anonymous said...

i start every post with beautiful modesto california because that's where i live, asshole!

you should be so lucky, you jealous bastard

Anonymous said...

So basically this site is about you and your extreme right wing, poor, douchebag friends? Ahh, now I see!

Anonymous said...

I feel sad for you douche,you have no friends on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm a right wing guy and would never claim d-bag as a friend. I DEFINITELY wouldn't google pictures to put on my site and say that they are my friends. See his post below this one...he has Googled a picture of an Electric converted Plymouth.

Why would anyone make up the fact that they like that stupid French, mutt-of-a-car? I'd do everything I could to hide that.

Tell me about liking a GOOD american car, like a Corvette or even the new Ford Fusion, not some imaginary friend living in "beautiful Modesto, California."

Anonymous said...

The Ford Fusion is built in Mexico you Jackass

Anonymous said...

Never said "right wing equals d-bag." Hell, I'm a conservative, Republican myself, but I know trash when I see it and douchebag IS trash. Not just any kind of trash, but trailer trash - the kind you can find in beautiful Modesto, CA!

Anonymous said...

beautiful downtonw modesto california

no foreign crap there

he even has a picture of the great american, steve macqueen.
>hey douchefagboy learn how to spell, its downtown you asswipe and steve MCqueen not mac you little asshole !

Anonymous said...

maybee he had big mac on his mind, cause his dumbass cousin makes him blow him and eat big macs off his penis !