Wednesday, August 09, 2006

give him a fuking break!!!

the man is a great american!
so what if he is driving 90mph on the coast
he can afford it. and a little bit of tekila never hurted anyone irght?

i say we leave him a lone so he can make some more great american movies

and he called the female cop sugar tits! since when is that an insult?

I call my neighboor sugar tits every day. shes doesn't complain.
this country is going down the toilet (something the great john wayne prediceted years ago) and we need more poeple liek mel gibson.
he is welcom to beautiful modesto california any day. just a short drive from malibu!


Anonymous said...

Give him a "fucking" break, too!

Anonymous said...

A little bit of tequila apparently hurt"ed" your grammar, pal.

It's like reading a seven-year-old's page.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Modesto, CA = Oxymoron

Anonymous said...

Mel Gibson? Doesn't he come from that other British colony - Australia?